Organizing Committee
Admin Team

Marie Roisnel
Hi ! My name is Marie and I come from France, where I study Political Sciences. I am doing an internship at PSCORE, which started in September and lasts until February. During all this time, I have learnt a lot about the Human Rights situation in North Korea, and I realized that this issue is clearly not known enough. This is why I think that our work at PSCORE is really meaningful: to raise awareness about the alarming life conditions in North Korea is highly necessary, especially among the younger generations. This is why events such as the Model UNSF 2024 are important and more impactful than we think. It is more than a simulation; through it, we can create meaningful suggestions that can be used to improve the North Korean human rights issue, and it allows a lot of people to share their opinion and to learn more about these serious situations. Therefore, if more similar events are organized, we can reach and educate a wider audience, which could allow for the situation to be improved upon with the help of the international community.

Marie-Eve Vachon
I'm Marie-Ève, a Canadian master's student in international studies, specializing in Peace and Conflict Resolution. My passion for human rights has been a driving force in my academic journey. During my search for an internship, I came across the PSCORE internship program, which immediately caught my interest. I've always been intrigued by the geopolitics of Asia as well interested in delving into the human rights infringements in North Korea. While I've never had the opportunity to participate in a UN simulation before, I'm thrilled to have this chance to learn more about the complexities of the situation in North Korea and explore possible avenues for improvements. Working towards positive change in this region is a goal I'm enthusiastic about, and I look forward to the valuable experiences MODEL UNSF will provide.

Marius Schmitz
Hey! I am Marius and recently finished my masters in Asia Studies at Bonn University in Germany. During my masters I specialized on Korea, particularly North Korea. During my studies, I learned about the importance of the complicated situation regarding North Korean Human Rights, which is why I wrote my Bachelor’s Thesis about the Human Rights situation in North Korea, as well as my Master’s Thesis on the Problems of North Korean Defectors living in South Korea. While researching for my thesis I stumbled upon PSCORE and thought about doing an internship here immediately, especially because now it’s more important than ever to raise awareness and educate people about the Human Rights situation in North Korea. Events like the Model UNSF 2024 give people from around the world a great opportunity to not only learn firsthand, but also participate and create solutions on their own. This might also help spread the word about the Human Rights situation further, and bring even more awareness to the situation. To help organising this kind of event is also not only a good opportunity to learn more about North Korea, but also the importance of hosting such events and changing things for the better.

Pyeongnyeong (Shalom) Kim
Hello, my name is Pyeongnyeong (Shalom) Kim. I'm from South Korea and currently studying international relations at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. During my winter break, I returned to Korea, my home country, where I am working as an education intern at PSCORE. I am delighted to be a part of the organizing team for the Model UNSF conference. I sincerely hope that everyone involved will thoroughly enjoy this fantastic opportunity and gain deeper insights into North Korea and the urgent need to address its human rights abuses. As a South Korean, I am heartened by the global interest in the human rights situation in North Korea. North Korea is a valuable member of our global community just like everybody else, and we must not overlook the severe human rights violations occurring there. Personally, I believe that each of us, as responsible human beings, has a duty to contribute to the protection and improvement of human rights in North Korea. Thank you.
Admin Team

Heghine Grigoryan
Hello and welcome to Model UNSF 2023. My name is Heghine Grigoryan, I come from Armenia and I am a senior at Underwood International College, Yonsei University. I study International Relations and Political Science, which is where my interest in North Korea - South Korea and North Korea - UN relations comes from. I participated in the Model UNSF 2022 as a delegate for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and enjoyed myself and gained a lot in terms of understanding the intricacies of issues surrounding the Korean Peninsula. This year I will be the Chair of the Model UNSF 2023 conference and I hope that all the delegates can enjoy themselves as much as I did last year. I am looking forward to a great conference.

Masa Lopusina
Masa obtained her bachelor's degree from the faculty of law, University of Belgrade. Currently, she is pursuing a master's degree in Political Science at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Her main field of interest is human rights and global issues. She is eristic and enjoys debating with others. This comes as no surprise since her MBTI is ENTJ.

Chaena Kim
Greetings, my name is Chaena Kim. I am an undergraduate at Yonsei University, majoring in international studies. I have joined the world of model United Nations in 2018, and I have actively participated in many international conferences ever since. Therefore, I am honored that I am able to partake in Model UNSF 2023 as a member of the organizing committee, continuing my experience. My ambitions align well with the goal of improving the awareness of the defectors. That is not only because the improvement of the awareness of North Korean defectors is the very cornerstone that would enable the successful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, but at the same time, it can also be the most challenging. As a South Korean myself, I am interested in discovering what specific, realistic challenges must be overcome in order to achieve the goal of alleviating awareness of North Korean defectors and North Korea. Therefore, I am very excited to see how the conference will unfold, addressing such a crucial issue at hand. I wish the best of luck to all the distinguished participants of the Model UNSF 2023!

Dhabitah Elyani
Hello! My name is Dhabitah Zailani, and I am an International Studies major at Yonsei University in South Korea. From a young age, I have been passionate about human rights and, in turn, the role that the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) play in our society. In the Model UNSF, young minds from across the globe come together to discuss global issues, spread awareness, and foster the spirit of future changemakers. It is my honor to be a part of this process. I look forward to meeting everyone as we discuss the human rights and SDGs of the DPRK and collaborate to find solutions.

Amali Ranavi Thanthrige
Amali Ranavi Thanthrige is the vice-chair of MUNSF 2023. She has completed her B.A. ( Hons) Sociology- University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka and B.A. in International Studies- Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea. She has been always passionate about human rights, human security and sustainable development. Currently she is working as an administrative officer at Korea Friends of Hope International- Sri Lanka and also a member of various volunteer groups including UN V-Force Sri Lanka.

Prisca Ambokile Mwaikambo
I am Prisca Ambokile Mwaikambo, from Tanzania I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies from Ewha Woman’s University & Master’s Degree in Public policy and international development from Yeungnam University in the Republic of Korea. I continually strive to enhance my skills since I feel it is essential for a successful profession or career. Strong leadership, performance, and a desire for change inspire me. I have gained professional experience as a project administrator on one of the Korean Exim Bank-funded development projects in Tanzania, where local and international experts collaborated to meet the country's development plan for the Implementation Strategy of the Transport Policy of 2011-2025 in terms of Nurturing Industrialization for Economic Transformation. I learned how to multitask, manage time well, and have effective organizational skills during my time as a Project administrator. I am privileged to be part of the administrative team of organizing committee and I am looking forward to be part of the 2023 United nations strategy framework conference. I enjoy exploring new places and I am open to experiencing other culture. As much as I can be friendly I'm also private. I'm result-oriented thus not completing tasks make me restless and like to voice my opinion as and when necessary.

Alexander Falck-Bilden
Hello everyone! My name is Alexander Falck-Bilden, and I am part of the Admin Team at Model UNSF. The DPRK is perhaps best known for its military ambitions and confrontations, but whilst we must also seek to lessen the military and political tensions, it is also essential to not forget the very citizens of the DPRK who suffer daily from lacking development and supporting infrastructure. It is therefore a great honour for me to be part of the Model UNSF team, as we will be able to explore the developmental concerns of the country and find viable and sustainable solutions together.

Shirin C. Elmi
Hello! My name is Shirin C. Elmi and I am currently majoring in International Studies at Ewha Womans University as well as in Law at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). I have always been interested in Humanitarian Affairs, and I believe in the importance of constructive dialogue and how it can eventually lead us to frame a pathway for a better future. While living in South Korea and learning about the ongoing conflict in the Korean Peninsula, I became aware of the effect the conflict holds, not only in terms of regional and international security but also in the impact it has on the North Korean population. We often fail to recognize the importance of human life, but more importantly, the right to live with dignity. Hence, it is a pleasure for me to be a part of the Model UNSF 2022 Organizing Committee and work towards creating a platform that encourages healthy and fruitful dialogue. I look forward to hearing and learning from all of you!

John Ricky P. Asuncion
Mabuhay! I am John Ricky P. Asuncion, a BS in Human Ecology student at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. I serve as the Admin Team Leader of Model UNSF. As a youth leader, I’ve always been proactive in discussing issues vis-a-vis the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. This has led me to join the Organizing Committee. I hope that Model UNSF will serve as a platform for the youth to advance human rights pressing issues in North Korea through Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). After the conference, I am confident that the delegates will realize their potentials in uplifting the lives of those in need.

Michelle Bongsawan
Hello! My name is Michelle Bong and I’m extremely excited to be serving as a part of this year’s Model UNSF Organizing Committee. Within a world of pandemics, wars, and uncertainty within our midst, we only have each other to rely on when even attempting to push for the universal right of peace. With this upcoming conference, I hope to not only meet but speak with the best and brightest from all over the globe to fight for the silenced as we trudge on the path of not only equality, yet justice for all.
Our Sponsor

UniKorea Foundation
The UniKorea Foundation, founded in May 2015, is dedicated to preparations for a Korean unification by working towards mutual cooperation between the two Koreas and promoting peace and reconciliation among North and South Koreans and the world as a whole.